Friday, October 3, 2008

Tip of the Week

I overheard this tidbit during our work time this morning...

Matt: "I got TONS of candy last night. Did you go to the homecoming parade, Brad?"
Brad: "You know, you should never wear boxers when you're swimming--it slows you way down. You gotta wear these funny things called speedos."

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just A Little Nuts In The Mornin'

It’s a little before 8a.m. The birds are chirping outside. The light breeze is drifting through my quiet classroom as the cherub-esque 6 year olds enter and settle into a book. I’m sneaking some almonds at my desk because I woke up too late to grab a decent breakfast. Suddenly, I’m snapped out of my calm by an angry *Adam:

“Charlie said that he thought he heard Matt say that he could hit me in the nuts ANYTIME he wanted!”
I stash my snack back into my desk drawer and call Matt over.
“Matt? Did you say something to Charlie about hurting Adam?”
Hesitant and confused, Matt said, “No…I don’t think so.”
I call Charlie over and get a wishy-washy story –“I’m not really sure if I heard him say that or not – Matt may have been whispering...”
Matt jumped in with, “I wasn’t whispering! And I didn’t say anything about hitting anybody’s NUTS!”
~deep breath~
“Okay, this is a good example of that word “gossip” we heard in our story yesterday, and how it can hurt friends. Remember how sometimes it’s hard to hear and remember the exact message someone else gives us? We don’t want to repeat it if we aren’t sure, and if it’s something that’s going to hurt someone else it might just be best to tell an adult instead of making that person angry at the other one-
Because, Charlie, maybe you heard him wrong, right? Like, maybe Matt said, ‘Miss S. is nuts.’ (boys’ eyes bug-out) You know, like Miss S. is crazy?”
They all giggled –phew!
Anger diffused.
Charlie agrees to handle it differently next time, walks back to his desk.
Adam has cooled off and returns to his desk.

Matt stays.

“Matt, do you have anything else you feel like you should tell me?”
Peering over his thick-rimmed glasses, he proceeds- speaking in a quieter voice out of the side of his mouth. “Ok, so I didn’t say I was gonna crush his nuts, but I think I might’ve did it.”
insert my questioning, arched eyebrow here
“So, yeah…maybe I did? On accident? Kick him in the nuts, I mean? Cause I didn’t say it. I didn’t even look and I think I kicked him in the nuts-but I’m not sure. So you know it was an accident-cause that’s kinda lucky that I even hit him right there. That I kicked him in the nuts, I mean.”
SERIOUSLY doing everything to stifle a grin here—can he use the word nuts one more time??? “Ok. Matt, I need you to follow our rule of keeping our hands, feet and other objects to ourselves—safety and respect, remember? Can you do that for me?”
He nods, once again, looking over his glasses and sweetly says, “Miss S?”
“Yes, Matt.”
“I’m really sorry if I kicked him in the nuts.”

*names have been changed to protect the innocent

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Henry Barnardo (Brave Bear)

I'm in love! With a 7 pound 11 ounce licking-chewing, peeing-pooping, nuzzling-snuggling machine. Meet my new addition to the household!
My ridiculously generous friends at work threw us a surprise puppy shower! The "emergency 7:30 staff meeting" turned out to include puppy treats, people treats, sassy handbags, toys, outerwear and t-shirts. :) He's only been with me 5 days, but now he has enough of a wardrobe that I need to make some space in a drawer or something! He has already won some hearts in my classroom, and the one next door. Although I didn't want to be one of those baby-talking puppy owners, I must admit Henry is quite the charmer and even made my tough 14 year old nephew giggle! My honorary-nephew, Tate, is already mimicking me "Go potty, Uhn-ree!"
Oh, I cannot WAIT for Henry to meet my puppy-lovin' niece!

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Tooth Fairy is Overrated

On our last big adventure hiking from rim to rim of the Grand Canyon, she was nicknamed the Canyon Mime, for her gesture-filled story-telling and wisdom. I've decided to rename her: My Travel Fairy. Indeed, my generous friend has gifted me tremendously and has nominated me as her travel buddy this summer. I'm officially booked to embark on my first trip to the Western Caribbean! How fun does that sound, as the snow in my backyard refuses to melt?!
The details of said adventure are still in the works...all I know are the dates and locations of my next oceanic escapade: Key West, Belize and Cozumel.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bathed with Gentleness and Love

Sunning with Mom

My Heart: It Grows Again

My nephews and I have a tradition of telling stories as we're falling asleep when we're together. They range from gross to sappy; including funny moments, fishing tales and my memories of their dad when we were kids. One of the frequently told stories was rekindled this week...probably a given, considering their new addition to the fam. It is of the day when I first met Caleb.
I packed up my little red Acura and sped up Highway 63. I remember getting pulled over near New Hampton. I thought it was for speeding (I most certainly was), but the lovely sheriff's deputy was requesting a chat because I didn't have a license plate on my front bumper. I remember being most agreeable, fluttered the eyelashes a bit and shared the news that I was off to meet my newest nephew. Thankfully, he let me go without a ticket or a warning and I was back on the road to Austin. The closer I got, the more serious the butterflies. I love Jake so much. I kind of feel bad for this next kid because I don't have any idea how I could love him as much. And, what if Jake gets upset when I hold him? How do I share my time and love? When I get to the house, who do I greet first?
I parked the the car along the street in front of the house. I tried to think of a game plan as I trudged through the Minnesota snow. By the time I reached the front steps, Jake was standing in the open door, beaming. With that first hug, my jitters were gone. I set him down and he grabbed my hand, and said,
"Pammy, you gotta see him."
He lead me into the living room and the second I saw Caleb, I was changed. I had never felt anything like it, but it was like my heart just doubled in size and any thought of sharing the love I had for Jake was erased. That was the day I learned that love grows the more you show it, so there's no need to hold back...there's always going to be plenty to give.

It happened again a week ago today. This time, it was Caleb who ran out to greet me as I pulled up their drive in Chatfield. I had the ol' familiar butterflies as I stepped out of the car. But they weakened as I saw my 10 year old nephew running to me, red t-shirt and shorts, clopping along in someone's too-big shoes. I managed to avoid being knocked over by his huge hug as he barreled into me. He offered (as usual) to help carry my bags, but we decided to leave them for later. So, he grabbed my hand and, walking a step ahead of me, pulled me down the long drive and into the house.
"You ready?" Caleb called as we kicked off our shoes at the door.
Jake yelled, "Yeah."
Somehow, he made it into the front room ahead of me - looking back over his shoulder, smiling, waiting with his camera-armed Mom. I rounded the corner to see (14 year old) Jake holding baby Ivar on his lap, rubbing the thick dark hair on his new brother's head.
"Isn't he cute, Pammy?"
I looked into Ivar's eyes, and again, my heart.
The feeling I had with Caleb, then with Ella and with was here again, with Ivar.
I'm just so blessed to know love like that.

Ivar Stone

Monday, March 3, 2008

Definitely Left Me Thinking...

Boston reached toward me, brushed off the backside of my shoulder and said,
"You've got a little somethin' back here, let me help you shake that off."
I raised a confused eyebrow.
"In the past hour you've thrown all of these labels into our conversation, and I don't think you realize it. 'The teacher. The bridesmaid. The good girl. The youth leader. The friend. The crazy aunt. The bad girl...' You're carrying an awful lot back there. But maybe you should think less about what expectations come with those and just enjoy being Pamela. God made you, right? He created you, you're unique and you're more than any one of those things. You're Pamela. No expectations attached. Just you. Pamela."

Monday, February 25, 2008

24 plus

The following is a list of things I don't want to forget from my 24 plus hours of Minnesota therapy. Sometimes a girl just needs to get away, right? These moments give me a clearer perspective on my life right now:

  • my phone call from Eleanor as I drove the 3 boring hours up north and hearing her sweet voice say, "No way" as clear as day
  • being greeted as I got out of the car by the sight of Caleb sprinting out to hug me and help me carry my bags in
  • seeing Neva and her popped out belly (I can't WAIT to meet baby Ivar!)
  • trading coon stories with the boys
  • hearing about the "tons" of squirrel shot by Caleb
  • sneaking info out of Jake about the school dance the night before, and the dance move demonstrations that followed
  • burning brush and enjoying hanging by the fire late afternoon
  • watching the boys run routes with their dad
  • the unbelievable sunset-glowing over the rolling, snow-covered hills...and the amazing view in every direction
  • the joy of a crowded kitchen
  • making dinner and having the boys in the kitchen goofing around with me, while Pete and Neva relaxed in the other room
  • Caleb's post-dinner request: "Pammy? A little rub-a-dub? Hmm?" apparently, still not to old for snuggling with his aunt, as long as there's a back rub involved
  • Jake's wide-eyed request that followed. He had just woken up from a long nap, asked for a back rub--I, of course, said yes, but then he fell asleep again before he could cash it in!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Priceless Moments on the Job: Life-Lessons...When You're Sick

During our "Monday Morning News" sharing this week, one of the cherubs explained how, yesterday, she had "puked four times at home, and once at a friend's house". While I fought the urge to share my initial, teacher-y thought "And you're here today???" a few of my students piped in with their recent flu stories. Ahhh, the joys of spending my days with uninhibited first graders.
After a few kids offered advice of in-case-you-can't-make-it-to-the-toilet containers to puke in, my favorite point of the discussion came from a girl I'll call Joselyn. She's blond-haired, blue-eyed, bright, positive, horse-loving, creative, adventurous and extremely well-mannered.
"One thing you should make sure of, is to never cover your mouth really tight when you're throwing up. It does bad things in your head. I think somehow it tries to go out your nose or something. (long pause while the kids all think this over and I stifle a laugh)
You know...I think I did it once. Maybe that's why I know that you shouldn't do that."

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

the Green Machine

I watched the Superbowl with some friends tonight and was mesmerized by a Toyota ad with a big wheel race. We all cheered the majesty of the big wheel, and shared a few memories of the legendary Green Machine in between the plays that followed.
Now as I'm settling into bed, my brain is still reeling with memories of the wonderful transportation of my youth.

The race to hop on the "good" one.
The sound of the plastic wheel, rubbing against the blacktop as I began to pedal. Then learning the right strength in which to take-off so as not to spin my wheel, but actually cover some ground.
The rattles the wheels made as we rolled along.
Taking out the adjustable seat-back so we could try to ride two to a vehicle.
Getting the hose, etc. out for the car/big wheel wash.
Learning how to skid-out, or was it spin-out?
Scraping my heels on the ground, more than once, when trying to pedal bare-foot.
Hitting my knees on the handle-bars when I was out-growing my ride, or maybe just turning abruptly.
Pulling things with a rope.
Flying down Cavendish.
Riding the tiny brick path from the driveway to the backyard patio. Over and over again.
Learning (the hard way) that when you attach a wagon with a rope and stop quickly, or travel downhill, the wagon will slam into the back of you.
Rolling down the ditch and pedaling up the other side (into the street, of course).
Always having someone to ride with.
The freedom.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"What don't you do?"

Interesting. Had a first date tonight with Mr. Irish-guy, and within the first thirty minutes he said,
"I realize I don't know you all that well, yet, but I have a strong feeling that you don't realize how accomplished you are."
Insert my confused look here.
"Pamela, you teach kids how to read and you sing & play guitar with them--and I'm guessing you do that better than you realize, too. You know how to shoot a gun, fish and you've hiked the Grand Canyon. You've not only traveled to Africa, you've taught there, as well. You're a great writer and an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist. What don't you do?"

I'm sure it was flattery aimed at winning me over a bit, but it got me thinking.

What don't I do? As of late, I've been attempting to embrace more of my "bold and adventurous" side. While the list is still long, with each check off the list, I feel a little less fear.
I guess one thing I don't often do is look at my life from the outside. Friends (and occasionally strangers) have been giving me a little perspective lately. I've often been down on myself because I'm not GREAT at anything, but tonight it sounded different--hearing it from a fresh acquaintance.
Tonight, I just feel content that I've been given all of these amazing opportunities. I am me, and I do what I do--and tonight--that feels like enough.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Decadent Day's Schedule

5:37a.m. Phone-tree rings with the news that the superintendent has canceled school.
Lay in bed and try to fall back asleep since someone was crazy enough to go to a late movie last night.
Make lists of errands to run and things to get accomplished since sleep isn't happening.
6:30a.m. Move to the couch and turn on the news--see what other districts are canceled.
Fall asleep watching boring news.
Wake up to the sound of the neighbor using her snowblower.
Think about shoveling.
Snooze some more.
Check email.
Take a swim in the warm tub.
Heat up some leftovers for breakfast.
Exchange emails with other teachers who are off today.
Redeem more of my giftcard delights on iTunes.
Download some new software.
Delete old files, pics and movies.
Figure out how to move purchased songs from the other computer to this laptop so all are on the blessed iPod.
Remember that a to-do list was written earlier.
Start watching a stupid movie...decide to get off the couch.
Wash the dishes.
Uncover the countertops and kitchen table.
Sort recycling and trash.
Sit on the couch and read again.
Change laundry.
Listen to the new cd. Just lay down and listen to the music without doing anything else.
Clean the bathroom sink.
Check messages on myspace.
Read more.
5:00p.m. Get dressed already!
Shovel out the end of the driveway to avoid getting stuck.
Meet friends for dinner.
Veg out with said friends back on the ol' couch.
Text some more.
Watch reruns of the Office.
Sit and think about the fact that someone shouldn't have slept and relaxed so much today because now that person isn't tired enough to fall asleep.
Write about it, hit Publish Post and try to go to bed again.

Monday, January 21, 2008


After a long, odd day of meetings, I was driving through the freshly snowed streets when I heard the familiar buzz of my phone.
Ugh. It was a day. I just wanted a blanket and my couch.
If I check the message, I'll have to reply and what if it's someone wanting something from me or some kind of favor or something. I'm spent!
But, ah, it was someone wanting to cheer me. I fought the urge to escape into my toasty blanket cocoon and quickly agreed to the plans to take in a little Juno. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I chuckled, giggled, smiled and belly-laughed throughout the movie tonight. Each line was so amazing that I actually tried to hold back the audible laughs so I wouldn't miss the next.

Now, as I'm nestled all snug on my couch, I can't remember why my day felt so rough earlier.
Ahh, the healing powers of friends (and movies) that make me let go and laugh.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Events of an Ideal Sunday

Woke up to a friend's text at the perfect time.
Met for a late breakfast.
Wandered around the bookstore, then broke it's silence with my laughter over a great new book series. Seriously! The kids there were staring at me-probably wondering why the crazy, single lady was clutching so many of the books in "their" section.
Day-dreamed a bit in the travel section.
Hosted an impromptu living room concert for my friends-o-the-day, and got their thumbs up for the night ahead.
Went to a movie with the friends I couldn't shake. ;)
Buzzed back home, threw the guitar in the back, drove to my friend's baptism.
Soaked in my friend Jodie's story, once again, and was twice blessed. She has a gift for sharing her raw emotions (which, incidentally, does not help weepy friends who are supposed to sing, immediately following this testimony).
Surprised her with a song I chose for the event...she smiled and teared from the front row.
My 'nephew' Tate was delicately escorted out during the song due to his noticeable, repetitive, and yes, enthusiastic, "MIMI! Drum! MIMI! Drum..." (He apparently uses the word drum for any musical instrument...and I am Mimi) He even gave me the double handed wave & grin as he was hurried out, down the aisle by his beautiful, loving mom.
I re-engaged in the song.
The acoustics of the tiny church forgave what volume I lacked.
Jodie got the big dunk and rose with such joy, that I momentarily forgot that I was supposed to sing again.
Got choked up, missed a few chords, then fumbled some words
but I sang from my heart.

The day was kind of like a huge inhale/exhale cleansing session:
In with the friend-time, out with the loneliness.
In with the encouragement, out with the doubt.
In with the laughter, out with the stress.
In with the Spirit, out with the fear.

How am I so blessed?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Excitement and Fear

Exciting news! My neighbor, and close friend, Jodie is getting baptized this weekend! After bringing me near tears by sharing the details of a milestone meeting with God this past week, she followed it up with a question. "So, will you please play and sing that one song I love at my baptism on Sunday? It's been going through my head for days. (insert large, pleading eyes here)" Honestly, I was honored.
But, I'd be avoiding a little truth if I didn't admit my churn-of-the-stomach fears:
It will not only require that I walk into and participate in a church service (haven't for a few years now), but I will also be playing in front of people older than 7 years of age.
Ahh, the things you do for friends you love. I'll definitely need a little divine meeting of my own if I'm to play and sing with these rusty chords!