Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why wait til Thanksgiving?

A friend posed this question last week; "What if the only things I had this morning were people, events, memories I voiced my gratitude for yesterday?"
Well, why miss this chance? So here's my short thankful list from this past week:

Family. Mine loves me unconditionally. What more could I ask for? They are supportive, imperfect, and I love them more than anything.

Friends. I don't know how I would've gotten through the last year without their support. They cheer me on and then challenge me and make me think about the hard stuff, too. They know how to make me laugh and help me see the humor in everything. They know when to let me cry, or they can even distract me out of a serious funk. I'm not sure why I'm so blessed to be so full in this area, and I couldn't begin to list individual people or events, but I know how they've changed me and/or supported me as I have begun to let go and live a little.

Communication. First of all, whether written or spoken, the one thing all of my friends and family have in common is that they know how to get it done. Some are straight talkers, some are more reserved or shy, some more open and growing, but I love learning from all of the amazing people in my in the states and abroad.

Shelter. (above note reminded me of this one) Many cultures wouldn't allow or finances wouldn't support a female having a job and buying her own home. I have a simple home that's beginning to reflect me, with doors that lock, carpet and hardwood instead of dirt, a beautiful bed and really comfy furniture.

Plumbing. (again, Kenya, sorry--if you ever lived there, you'd understand) Not only do I get to avoid having to strattle a hole in the ground, but the toilet flushes, too! AND I can wash my hands, take a shower without a bucket, and brush my teeth with water straight out of a faucet. I still think about that when I brush my teeth every day. I absolutely love running water.

This is going to sound ridiculous now, after my basic needs stuff, but I do think it supports my passion: people. Knowing them and all their piccadillos, talking, meeting, sharing, crying, loving, laughing. This new member of my digital task-force is none other than my new enV. I got an incredible deal, won another phone in the process, and am going to try with all of my might to figure out how to do all of the funky stuff besides phone calls and texting. ;) But on that note, how amazing is it that I could talk to my next door neighbor, or get a text from my friend in Kenya watching the monkeys in the forest? Seriously, how unbelievable is that?!

I feel so full. I don't know why I'm so blessed, but today, at 10:23a.m., I see it. The sun is shining, but even if it wasn't, I think I could feel it. I'm just so grateful.