Thursday, January 24, 2008

"What don't you do?"

Interesting. Had a first date tonight with Mr. Irish-guy, and within the first thirty minutes he said,
"I realize I don't know you all that well, yet, but I have a strong feeling that you don't realize how accomplished you are."
Insert my confused look here.
"Pamela, you teach kids how to read and you sing & play guitar with them--and I'm guessing you do that better than you realize, too. You know how to shoot a gun, fish and you've hiked the Grand Canyon. You've not only traveled to Africa, you've taught there, as well. You're a great writer and an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist. What don't you do?"

I'm sure it was flattery aimed at winning me over a bit, but it got me thinking.

What don't I do? As of late, I've been attempting to embrace more of my "bold and adventurous" side. While the list is still long, with each check off the list, I feel a little less fear.
I guess one thing I don't often do is look at my life from the outside. Friends (and occasionally strangers) have been giving me a little perspective lately. I've often been down on myself because I'm not GREAT at anything, but tonight it sounded different--hearing it from a fresh acquaintance.
Tonight, I just feel content that I've been given all of these amazing opportunities. I am me, and I do what I do--and tonight--that feels like enough.

1 comment:

Mike Stavlund said...

I have an exceedingly difficult time acknowledging a man given to such shameless flattery of my little sister (and on a date, no less!). But after much consideration, I'd have to say that this fellow is exactly right.