Monday, March 3, 2008

Definitely Left Me Thinking...

Boston reached toward me, brushed off the backside of my shoulder and said,
"You've got a little somethin' back here, let me help you shake that off."
I raised a confused eyebrow.
"In the past hour you've thrown all of these labels into our conversation, and I don't think you realize it. 'The teacher. The bridesmaid. The good girl. The youth leader. The friend. The crazy aunt. The bad girl...' You're carrying an awful lot back there. But maybe you should think less about what expectations come with those and just enjoy being Pamela. God made you, right? He created you, you're unique and you're more than any one of those things. You're Pamela. No expectations attached. Just you. Pamela."


Trish Groe said...

Here is a great thought:

God made you and you must be beautiful cause he made our little Ella look exactly like you!!! I mean, WOW!

Adele said...

I can't wait to visit with you about this and that and a whole lot more when I'll be living down the street from you again for a short while. I'm coming home in April! See you soon.