Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Priceless Moments on the Job: Life-Lessons...When You're Sick

During our "Monday Morning News" sharing this week, one of the cherubs explained how, yesterday, she had "puked four times at home, and once at a friend's house". While I fought the urge to share my initial, teacher-y thought "And you're here today???" a few of my students piped in with their recent flu stories. Ahhh, the joys of spending my days with uninhibited first graders.
After a few kids offered advice of in-case-you-can't-make-it-to-the-toilet containers to puke in, my favorite point of the discussion came from a girl I'll call Joselyn. She's blond-haired, blue-eyed, bright, positive, horse-loving, creative, adventurous and extremely well-mannered.
"One thing you should make sure of, is to never cover your mouth really tight when you're throwing up. It does bad things in your head. I think somehow it tries to go out your nose or something. (long pause while the kids all think this over and I stifle a laugh)
You know...I think I did it once. Maybe that's why I know that you shouldn't do that."

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