Saturday, August 11, 2007

This week, last year...

I just stumbled on a journal entry from this week, last August. I'm glad I have a record of what I was honestly thinking back then, but I'm a little embarrassed by my bold, trusting statements. I guess I'm a little more jaded now. Anyway, I wish I would have known Aug.8, what I know now. But maybe I don't, if that makes any sense.

Are you ready for my big news of the summer? I was able to hold Will
for the first time this morning! :o) :o) :o)
Will's home. Praise God.
Will's growing. Praise God.
Will's cooing and crying. Praise God.
Will eats from a bottle sometimes. Praise God.
and my favorite so far...
Will took an hour long nap on my shoulder this morning and his little
oxygen alarm never went off once! Praise God.
What else should I say? Ella looks like a porcelain doll (seriously,
she does...I'm not just saying that because she's my niece). My first
day's impression is also that she's kind of particular about how exactly
she likes to be comforted. Let's just say I take notes when mom & dad
hold her and then try to copy their vast array of new moves.
And I thought I already had some! I'm learning---
hopefully quickly, for her sake.

I have to just pinch myself sometimes. 3 months ago, I wouldn't have
imagined all of this. Listening to my niece & nephew this morning
reminded me that God hears the cries of our hearts! I know He heard
the cries of mine this spring. And although Will has a long road to
go, I'm reminded that God is in the business of miracles!

My first cuddle with Will, August 8, 2006

1 comment:

Mike Stavlund said...

That boy really loved you, Aunt Pammy.

If you were hopeful, then I was oblivious. And I'm glad for that.

Thanks for visiting us that week, and for sharing this a year later.