Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My Wish List

I have wished for a lot of things.
I wish I could be effortlessly healthy.
I wish I could travel more.
I wish I was more confident.
I wish I painted more often.
I wish I just had more time.
I wish I could be a better friend--my family and friends are amazing, and they deserve it.

I had one of those light-bulb moments last night. I decided to try to stop using the word wish. I'm going to work really hard to change the "wish list" into a "to-do list". No time-lines, but a chance to be more purposeful about who I want to be--so I don't look back at my 30's with the same regret of passivity I had in my 20's.

My New To-do List
Make exercise a habit. I always feel better, so it should be as non-negotiable as brushing my teeth.
Start a savings account just for travel. Right now, I'm thinking something with sand and waves.
Shut down the negative thoughts as soon as they enter, both professionally and personally.
Set up a corner of my guest room so it's ready to paint, whenever I have half an hour, or half a day.
Remember Africa. When faced with the option of task vs. people, always choose people...or find a way to have community while accomplishing a task.
Call people back sooner. Listen more carefully. Remember. Always be real.

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