Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jason Gray Unplugged

My friend and sister-in-law, Neva, introduced me to Jason Gray's music about a year ago. It was one of those "my sister's friend's husband took guitar lessons from this guy, you should listen to his c.d." Somehow she knew I'd love it, too, so Neva passed it on to me. So, when I saw that he was playing at a small church in town, I adjusted my schedule so I could attend it this evening.

First impressions; great rhythm, solid guitarist.

Most inspiring: his honest sharing of a genuine challenge he's faced with every day.
It honestly challenged me to offer my weaknesses, and not just my strengths. It sounds simple enough, but I know me. Give this people-pleaser a choice, and I'll serve in my strengths so I look good or at the very least, so I don't need to rely on anyone else (especially the big guy).

Most unexpected and enjoyable: hearing a little U2 and Tom Petty mixed in with some of his original songs. I also liked that the people at the church where he performed weren't hiding the fact that they knew the words to these non-churchy songs. He noted it. Very funny.

Lasting impression: genuine guy, emotional singer, talented guitarist.
His rhythm and acoustic skills inspire me to re-string my own guitar! Maybe if I buy the expensive strings I'll sound just like him...

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