Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Truly, One of My Best Nights

I love live music, but was not prepared to fall so hard for the band I met this past weekend. Midnight to Twelve rocked our fine city both Friday and Saturday night. I had listened to their cd quite a bit so I knew they were good, but they blew me away live.

After Friday's show, I was chatting with the lead singer, Jon, trying to figure out why I knew him. We finally figured out, of all places, that it was our church youth group! We traded memories of our summer trips, repairing homes in the South. "Remember trying to fix those roach-covered those bunk-beds...fix that toilet and ALL of that painting?" I hadn't thought about those friends and those days for a long time, so the trip down memory lane was a welcome one. All of the time on the town with old friends and new was non-stop fun, but the end of the weekend was unforgettable.

On Monday night, I was invited to a BBQ at the home of one of my new friends (and where M212 was staying). Of course, I had met the guys on Friday and talked with them Saturday, but was still a little surprised by their genuineness. These guys have the piercings, screams, tattoos and mo-hawks one would expect of a rock band, but they were so real. They spoke of favorite places, adorable children, past gigs and amazingly understanding wives and girlfriends. They even raved ridiculously over my chocolate chip cookies--toying with me about going on tour as their caterer...
After dinner the crowd thinned, and I was invited out to the bus for a little tour. The next few hours were a blur that started with my honest question of,
"How do you you start with the music, a hook, a lyric...?"
"Oh, Pam. Great question."
Thus began hours of songwriting discussions with examples, acoustic jam sessions and thorough explanations of the combination of emotion, skill sets and honest passion. Band members would hop on and off the bus, joining us on occasion--adding lyrics and drums. Somewhere in there, Jay asked me to sing and soon Tami convinced me to play and sing something for the guys...and I actually did! Check! Huge fear conquered there for this living room musician. I can't express how unreal it was to look up from behind that (their beautiful) guitar to see them looking back at me, encouraging me, then leading me into attempting to write a song of my own.
Al (the bass player) started playing some simple chords I knew (more beautifully than I ever have ;), then said, "Just jump in when you feel it." My eyebrows flew up. "You can do it, no words, just sing." I looked up at Jon, "I know you hear it, Pam. It's right there, just let it out." How did he know? But, I'm so afraid that my emotions will explode right along with it if I let go...
The tears were already welling up, so after a few more bars of the soothing intro, Jon asked if I just wanted them to try it, and I was grateful for the merciful pass.
I only wish there would have been some way to record it. The music moved through my soul and I teared up again as I soaked in our intimate little candlelit setting.
Who gets to do this? Who listens to gifted musicians create right in front of you?
While they are clearly an indie/ alternative/rock band, the blend of a simple acoustic and their voices was overwhelmingly beautiful...just indescribable.
I finally made it to bed around 2 that night, and I've felt physical exhaustion ever since--but not in my spirit. The creative high that remains was well worth it. Maybe I'll rest this weekend...


Anonymous said...

Wow Pam! You were able to capture the evening in such beauty, I got goosebumps thinking about it all over again....I teared up! How amazing, Thank You for keeping this night alive for me! I really need it to stay a live. T

Mrs. said...

This is a beautiful story- I wish I could hear the song...or at least read it!

I have been peaking in on your life recently- sounds lovely!!