Thursday, April 3, 2008

Henry Barnardo (Brave Bear)

I'm in love! With a 7 pound 11 ounce licking-chewing, peeing-pooping, nuzzling-snuggling machine. Meet my new addition to the household!
My ridiculously generous friends at work threw us a surprise puppy shower! The "emergency 7:30 staff meeting" turned out to include puppy treats, people treats, sassy handbags, toys, outerwear and t-shirts. :) He's only been with me 5 days, but now he has enough of a wardrobe that I need to make some space in a drawer or something! He has already won some hearts in my classroom, and the one next door. Although I didn't want to be one of those baby-talking puppy owners, I must admit Henry is quite the charmer and even made my tough 14 year old nephew giggle! My honorary-nephew, Tate, is already mimicking me "Go potty, Uhn-ree!"
Oh, I cannot WAIT for Henry to meet my puppy-lovin' niece!


Mike Stavlund said...

Your puppy-loving niece is in love, too.

Adele said...

Fun time at BN the other night. Thanks for visiting. I tagged you on my blog. Check it out.

Jenny said...

He is a cutie! We just adopted a new dog this weekend. We named him Shelby!