Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Letter to My Niece

Okay, Ella, you know how you want right now you really want avocados or Cheerios? There's a feeling that kind of takes over you when you really want your way, or a cool toy that someone else is holding. And by the time you can read this letter yourself, you'll really want to go to your friend's house, buy some cool jeans, a jacket and maybe even more shoes.
Honestly, this past year I've struggled with my "really wants" and completely giving them over to God. There are things that I thought I had all figured out, but I'm realizing that I was just beginning to understand. Ella, I can want something with every ounce in me and I can kick and scream and yell, or come up with a very convincing argument and tell God exactly what I want and He doesn't always give it to me...kind of like your mom and dad can't give you everything you want all the time. Hear me out on this, Ella, it does not mean that they don't love us--that's a lie. They know that giving you what you want and holding some things back is best, and it's teaching you. Even though you may not understand why they do or don't do things, they want what's best for you.
I think our lives with God are kind of like that, too. He wants what's best for you. He wants you to know Him and love Him so deeply that sometimes, the circumstances He allows are just the thing that will draw you closer to Him. People might say that a lot--kind of lightly, and you might not feel that it's true, and that is totally okay. You will even have days when you're mad about something or you don't understand why a bad thing happened, and God wants you to tell him that, too. He's big enough, Ella. He's so very big enough to handle all of the questions that you have for Him.

So, today on this big day, my prayer for you is that your life with God is filled with courage, patience, strength, peace and love.
I pray that you grow brave enough to ask God tough questions, and patient in waiting to understand the answers.
I pray you grow strong enough to hold on to what you know is true when the waves roll in, and calm enough to hear Him comforting you, leading you.
I pray that, every day, you're aware of how deeply you are loved by your family.
And finally, I pray that your eyes are wide open to God's immeasurable love for you, as He leads you through the many adventures that lie ahead.

With love, love and more love from Iowa,